A few months ago, I inexplicably signed up for the 2010 London Marathon. Anyone who knows me will understand this was a most uncharacteristic thing to do, and with only 164 days left until the big day, the reality of what I've let myself in for is starting to dawn on me, and making me feel a bit queasy. Nevertheless, I am committed to the task ahead, and the fact that I managed to complete an 8-mile run last month without actually dying has given me renewed hope.
Also, this madness is all for a good cause. The charity I'm running for is called Sense, and they support people who are both deaf and blind, which seems like a very good cause to me. So I'd really appreciate it if you would visit the below page and sponsor me.
The thought of raising a lot of money for charity will obviously lift my spirits when I start wishing for a quick and merciful death somewhere around the 20th mile.
Thanks for your support